Both these oils are a synthetic blend and are compatible with all 4-stroke motorbike engines. Motul 3000 4T’s focal point is to provide protection against the pre-combustion of oil meanwhile the center of focus for Motul 5100 4T is to shield the engine from getting deteriorated through wear and tear.
3000 contains detergents plus dispersants additives in enormous numbers which enable this oil to produce less sludge as a result and ensure smooth oil flowing inside the engine tubes. The wear-decreasing supplements are added to it in significant concentrations that assist in reducing the friction between engine metal components. A high viscosity index causes it to go through fewer viscosity variations when the temperature rises. The period of exchange provided by this oil is also quite long because of the excessive base inclusion.

5100 provides more effective performances due to the formation of a low amount of toxic ash. The lightweight molecules are present in minimal numbers ensuring that the oil does not ignite before needed. Detergents are present in this oil in normal quantities for giving thorough engine cleansing. Moreover, decent numbers of wear-diminishing additives present in it further help to reduce the wearing of the engine.
Table of Contents
Contrast Table
Description | Motul 3000 4T | Motul 5100 4T |
Used as | Lubricant for Engine | Lubricant for Engine |
Oil’s Nature | Synthetic Blend | Synthetic Blend |
Applicable for | Motorcycles only | Motorcycles only |
Engine Compatibility | For 4-stroke engines | For 4-stroke engines |
API Standards | SL / SJ / SH / SG | SM/ SL/ SJ/ SH/ SG |
Performance Standard | JALOS MA2 under N° M033MOT149 | JASO MA2 – M033MOT156 |
Viscosities available | 20W-40, 20W-50, 10W-40, 15W-50, 10W-30 | 10W-40, 15W-50, 10W-30, 10W-50, 20W-40 |
Article Number | 101564; 101565; 101566; 101567 | 104066; 104067; 104068; 104070; 104071; 104072; 104073 |
Cost for 1 liter | 12 to 16 US Dollars | 18 to 25 US Dollars |
Contrasting Sludge Production
The oil which gets oxidized comes in contact with the different impurities present in it such as moisture or dust. This interaction causes the generation of a thick dark fluid known as sludge. This viscous liquid is detrimental to the engine’s smooth working because it acts as a hindrance to the proper flow of oil. The problem is minimized by including detergents in it. The function of these additives is to restrict the formation of sludge and thus are very effective for the engine. The oil exhibiting these additives in higher numbers would be better and vice versa.
The presence of these additives in smaller numbers in 3000 makes it falls behind its peer in terms of engine cleaning. Therefore, the problem of sludge is seen marginally higher in this engine oil.
Alternatively in the case of 5100, the presence of these sludge-reducing compounds in the majority makes it superior to its rival. Thus, the engine using this oil is better at prohibiting the formation of the sludge than its rival.
Oils Working at Elevated Temperatures
The kinematic viscosity, which is the property of the fluid to shift its momentum to its other layers, is generally used to characterize the working of oil at high temperatures. The oil possessing a greater kinematic viscosity would perform more commendably. As the temperature is switched from normal to extremely high, the oil passes through a series of viscosity variations. The index of viscosity is a parameter to portray this change. The oil consisting of a lower viscosity index would be less effective to maintain its viscosity and vice versa.
The working of 3000 at normal, as well as greater temperatures, is superior to its counterpart. This is due to its higher kinematic viscosity at respective temperatures. However, when it comes to maintaining the viscosity, 5100 leads the race because of its higher viscosity index compared to that of its rival.
Oils in Contrast (10W-40) | Kinematic Viscosity at 40° C (mm2/s) | Kinematic Viscosity at 100° C (mm2/s) | Viscosity Index |
Motul 3000 4T | 100.8 | 15.1 | 157 |
Motul 5100 4T | 87.6 | 13.8 | 161 |
Oils Working at Freezing Temperatures
Pour point temperature is a parameter that showcases the performance of oil when the conditions are too chilly. This pour point is defined as the minimum temperature below which the oil ceases to flow. The oil with the least pouring point temperature is preferable to be used during such frosty conditions.
Both the oils possess similar pour point temperatures. This enables them to be equally compatible when it comes to extremely cold situations.
Oils in Contrast (10W-40) | Pour Point (°C) |
Motul 3000 4T | -33 |
Motul 5100 4T | -33 |
Compatibility in terms of Catalytic Converter
The reaction of primary anti-wear compounds with the oxygen-enriched oil causes the generation of ash residue. This residue is extremely dangerous for the working of the catalytic converter. The production of ash is directly proportional to the number of wearing-resistant compounds present in the oil. The oil which contains these additives in a minimal amount would be more effective for the regular functioning of the catalytic converter.
The concentration of both zinc and phosphorus which are primary constituents of wear-resisting compounds is lower in 3000 oil. This enables it to form a lesser amount of ash in comparison to that of its counterpart. Thus, the effectiveness of the catalytic converter is greater for this oil.
Meanwhile, these wear diminishing compounds are found to be in excessive numbers in 5100. The availability of these additives results in more generation of ash which ultimately causes the ceasing of the converter leading to its lower overall efficiency.
Reducing Friction Between Engine components
The regular rubbing of metal parts of the engine produces friction which is the primary reason for engine deterioration. For tackling this problem, specialized supplementary compounds called wear-resistant are being priorly incorporated into the oil. The purpose of their addition is to make a fine coating around the components of the engine to act as a barrier for any collision of these working parts. For the oil containing these additives in lower numbers, the problem of engine wearing will be significant and vice versa.
In this case, the concentration of anti-wears in 3000 is lower which makes it more prone to engine declining. It causes the oil to fall behind its peer in this regard.
The higher number of these compounds in 5100 makes a stronger layer about the parts of the engine which strictly restrict their interaction with one another. Thus, the overall significant concentration of wear-reducing chemicals in this oil makes it stand above its counterpart.
Comparison of Shielding from Prior Combustion
Engine oils face the problem of ignition sooner than required. This early burn-off is characterized by the presence of the lightweight molecules available in the oil. The higher their concentration is, the more volatile an oil will be. The greater volatility causes it to reach its ignition point earlier than expected and completely vaporize after reaching it.
The availability of light-weighted particles is comparatively lower in 3000. This causes it to provide better pre-ignition shielding as compared to its competitor.
On the other hand, 5100 because of a greater number of these particles causes it to be more volatile in comparison. The higher volatility makes it outreach its flashpoint at a lower temperature and eventually complete burn off after this point.
Oils in Contrast (10W-40) | Ignition point (°C) |
Motul 3000 4T | 232 |
Motul 5100 4T | 226 |
Oil Interchanging Intervals:
The changing intervals of the oils depend on several factors with TBN being the most significant one. It is a parameter representing the total amount of base that is added to it. The main reason for the base inclusion is to neutralize the acids turning up as a result of combustion. The oil possessing a higher TBN gives greater replacement intervals compared to the opposite scenario.
A smaller inclusion of bases in 3000 causes it to have a lower TBN in contrast to its counterpart. The lower TBN causes it to be replaced frequently and thus provides a shorter duration of interchange.
5100 meanwhile, due to its greater base possession, has a greater TBN. The higher TBN allows the oil to give a longer duration of changing and also provides better safeguarding against corrosion problems.
Oils in Contrast (10W-40) | Total Base Number (mg KOH/g) |
Motul 3000 4T | 6.6 |
Motul 5100 4T | 7.5 |
Quick Review
- These engine oils are semi-synthetic in nature and used for motorbike engines only.
- 5100 is more effective in reducing the production of sludge due to its higher detergent concentrations.
- 3000 will perform superiorly in case of highly exaggerated temperatures.
- The effectiveness of both these oils is identical for extremely low temperatures.
- 3000 provides greater efficiency of catalytic converter due to its lower ash forming compounds concentrations.
- 5100 is ahead in terms of restricting the wearing of the engine because of its significant wear-resisting supplements.
- The greater flashpoint temperature of 3000 gives better protection against early combustion.
- The longevity of 5100 is comparatively higher because of its greater concentrations of bases.
- The lower price of 3000 makes it more economical compared to its peer.