Valvoline is a trusted company which has been producing motor oils over 150 years. It is an American owned and operated company which has proven that its oils are known to maximize an engine’s life. When you are looking for a good motor oil to purchase then this is something you would normally consider. In fact, this is one reason why Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil is often in demand.
On the other hand, Quaker state company has been in the market for almost a century now. It also has origins back in the United States and is known to provide great protection for your European vehicles. Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oil is made based on using the modern industry standards. Thus, this motor oil is pretty reliable enough to be used in your vehicles.

The following is a detailed comparison between Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil and Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oil.
Table of Contents
Valvoline vs Quaker Oil Type:
Valvoline European vehicle is a premium and full synthetic motor oil which is made for use for high mileage and high end branded car models such as BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and Porsche. This motor oil has proven to protect your engine from any wear, heat, friction or sludge deposits. The formula used in making this full synthetic oil helps give your engine a longer life along with boosting its performance and thus you would not have to spend more on repairing or changing the oil too frequently.
Quaker State Euro is also a full synthetic motor oil which is known to provide best protection for your engine specially when it is related to any friction wear. The technology used in making the motor oil provides high resistance to any thermal or viscosity related issues. Moreover, Quaker state euro full synthetic motor oil performs amazing under extreme freezing temperatures as it has excellent lubricant qualities. The oil is particularly made with focus to work on today’s turbocharged modern injection engines.
Since both the Valvoline European vehicle and Quaker State Euro are full synthetic motor oils, you can be assured that they are the most refined forms of oil which give great and long lasting performance. Full synthetic motor oils like Valvoline European vehicle and Quaker State Euro perform very well under extreme weather conditions. Furthermore, such synthetic motor oils are also environmentally friendly as they release out the least amount of emissions when compared to other types of oils.
Thus, in this case since both Valvoline European vehicle and Quaker state euro are full synthetic oils, they both are equally reliable and trust worthy.
Types of Additives in both:
A couple of additives are added to full synthetic oils for maximum and long lasting performance.
Valvoline European vehicle includes a blend of mixtures that make it give out its maximum performance. It includes anti-wear additives to reduce wear, high caliber additives antioxidants, cleaning detergents, and rust and corrosion inhibitors.
Moreover, Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oil is formulated with great additives to help the oil function better. The motor oil has viscosity index improvers, anti-wear agents, detergents, rust and corrosion inhibitors and anti-oxidants.

Which offers better exhaust performance?
Maintaining the performance of the catalytic converter is an important aspect to consider because if a catalytic converter failure happens, it is very expensive to treat especially if you are using high mileage oils. Basically, this catalytic converter failure happens when the oil in the engine burns off in small amounts and turns into vapor which eventually enters the car’s emission system. This in turn releases poisonous substances like phosphorous which have a bad effect on the catalytic converter. Moreover, if the engine misfires, it leads to combustion which results in overheating of the engine.
Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil is formulated using advanced technology and additives which help in cutting down on costly repairs by guarding important parts of the engine. The superior anti-oxidants help in protecting and stopping the engine oil to break down even in extreme weather conditions. This means that the oil is prevented from turning into vapors and damaging the emission system.
On the other hand, Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oil uses the low SAP formulation to keep the engine’s emission system protected. Moreover, the motor oil contains heat activated additives which help stop the engine from overheating due to oxidation or friction.
Thus, you may confidently say that both Valvoline European vehicle and Quaker State Euro motor oils have additives and use modern technology which helps boost and maintain the catalytic converter performance.
Which offers superior Reduction against Sludge Built?
Sludge built up is a common issue which stops the oil to pass through the valve and that in turn stops the oil circulating, leading to the engine being damaged. Sludge can build up through oxidation which usually happens when the engine stays heated up for a long time and the oil comes in contact with oxygen. After this, the oil particles combine with dirt to form carbon which eventually turns into a thick paste that is sludge. Full synthetic oils focus a lot of this issue and make sure that they reduce the production of sludge built up.
Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil has extra cleaning detergents in it which help keep the engine clean and protect it from any sludge build up or deposits. Additives such as dispersants are also included in the motor oil to provide maximum protection to the engine under extreme weather conditions so that the oil does not break down and form into sludge and deposits even under such conditions. Moreover, anti-oxidants in this motor oil help stop any oil particles from breaking down and combining with dirt to form sludge.
Furthermore, Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oil is formulated using SAP technology and modern additives. The detergents used in the motor oil provide excellent cleanliness in the engine, protecting it from any sludge issues and harmful deposits. This motor oil also has special anti-oxidants and rust and corrosion inhibitors in it which helps reduce oxidation and thus sludge built up.
Valvoline European vehicle and Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oils are both equally reliable, uniquely formulated and help in limiting any sludge deposits to form.
What these lubes do against Oil burn-off Protection?
When your engine stays heated up for long intervals of time, oil molecules start to evaporate which results in the oil level to drop. This would mean that you will have to change your oil earlier than normally expected since the oil burn off would result in increased fuel consumption. This issue usually causes harmful emissions coming from the engine along with more deposits. Thus, oil burn off protection is quite important as it maintains performance and helps in low temperature start.
Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil particularly uses the full synthetic formulation to help prevent any oil burn off during extreme high and low temperatures. Moreover, the antioxidants in the motor oil also reduce the possibility of any oil vaporization.
Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oil has high resistance to any oil oxidization which helps in keeping the engine oil clean, giving a longer lasting performance. The unique antioxidants present in the motor oil not only help limit oxidization but also help in preventing thermal breakdown of the oil. Thus, these additives help in controlling any oil burn off.
How do they reduce the Engine Wear off?
Having a motor oil that keeps your engine safe and sound along with performing great is like a dream come true.
Luckily, Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil takes this aspect pretty seriously. This motor oil uses advanced technology to add special anti-wear additives that give the motor oil an extra layer of protection which really helps reduce wear. This reduced wear also means that the oil gives a longer lasting performance. Moreover, the detergents in the motor oil also limit any deposits to build up which might reduce the life of the engine.
On the other hand, Quaker State Euro full synthetic is a premium motor oil which is made up of a mixture of compounds that help in giving the oil its anti-wear properties. The motor oil has proven to be among the best when it comes to lowering any friction related wear. Moreover, Quaker State Euro is an amazing engine lubricant even under freezing temperatures which helps reduce any engine wear off.
Which offers better Engine seals Protection?
The engine seal needs to be protected so that the engine does not wear off quickly or gets damaged. Formulated additives are added into full synthetic motor oils for this purpose.
Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil is formulated with extra engine cleaning detergents which help keep the engine free from any harmful deposits or sludge built up especially when the engine heats up. Moreover the additives in the oil further help to keep the engine seal protected from any exhaust system damage.
Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oil uses advance technology which helps to reduce any metal to metal friction. The motor oil uses special detergents which keep the engine clean and safe from any wear or tear even under extreme heat conditions.
Is Improved Fuel Economy dependent here?
The fuel consumption of full synthetic motor oils can be reduced significantly if there are less harmful deposits and sludge build up in the engine. In other words, if your engine is clean and well protected then there will be a reduction in fuel consumption and you would not have to change your motor oil very frequently.
Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil has good fuel economy as it includes additives like anti wear agents which keep the engine protected from any wear or tear which promotes maximum performance. The antioxidants also help prevent any oil breakdown which further improves the fuel economy. The detergents in this motor oil provide an extra layer of protection to the oil which keeps the oil clean and helps in working longer and reduces its consumption.
Quaker State Euro is a full synthetic motor oil which has heat activated additives in it that help protect the engine even under extreme high temperatures. The anti wear additives help maintain the thickness of the oil under different temperatures which helps extend the life of the engine along with reducing the fuel consumption. The detergents in this motor oil further help in keeping it free from damaging substances and thus improving its fuel economy.
Valvoline European vehicle and Quaker State Euro are great full synthetic oils that are formulated using different types of technology and additives but perform equally great when it comes to improving its fuel economy.

Viscosity Similarities and Differences:
Every engine oil has a viscosity or grade assigned to it which helps in telling that if the motor oil is suitable in lower of higher temperatures.
Valvoline European vehicle is available in 5 different combination grades which are 0W-20, 0W-30, 0W-40, 5W-30, and 5W-40. According to the SAE standard, this viscosity grades this motor oil offers makes it more suitable to be used under colder temperatures but can be also used under higher temperatures.
Here, for example, in the 5W-30 and 5W-40 viscosities, the 5 stands for the grade at low temperature with W indicating winters and the 30 and 40 numbers indicating the grade at normal temperature. The viscosity in low during start up as the engine is cold and the oil is thin, however it increases once the engine starts to heat up, making the oil get thicker so less fuel is consumed.
Moreover, the viscosity index improvers in this motor oil helps in maintaining the quality of the oil and boosts its performance. Valvoline European vehicle meets and exceed the API standard and the ILSAC GF-6 standard.
Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oil uses innovative technology and has heated activated viscosity improvers which help the oil give maximum performance under extreme heat conditions. The viscosity modifiers further help in maintaining the normal viscosity of the oil and resist any shearing.
Quaker State Euro motor oil comes in 3 combination of grade which are 0W-30, 5W-30, and 5W-40. The digits 0 and 5 show the oil viscosity at low temperatures that is during engine start up as its cold with W indicating winter and the 30 and 40 indicates the viscosity at higher temperature.
The 0W-30 and 5W-30 combination of grades of this motor oil meet and exceed the ACEA standard and is for vehicles with a pollution controlled device where as the 5W-40 combination of grade meets the ACEA standards for petrol and diesel engines.
Furthermore, the 5W-40 combination also meets the API standard and the motor oil is available for vehicles manufactured after 2010.
Oil change Frequency:
How long your engine oil works before you need to change it is an important aspect to consider. By seeing the mileage of the motor oils, you can easily know how long the oil gives its maximum performance before it requires to be changed.
Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil provides amazing wear protection. The fluid technology and additives used in this motor oil hel maximize performance and reduce any carbon, varnish or other harmful deposits to build up and damage your engine. Valvoline European vehicle is a high mileage motor oil which means the vehicles can perform well for about 15,000 miles before the oil needs to be changed.
Furthermore, Quaker State Euro motor oil also being a full synthetic motor oil performs better than any conventional motor oil since the oil is made in the laboratory using advanced additives and low SAP technology. The oil also included special detergents which help increase its cleaning properties. This motor oil can work up to an average of 7500 miles or even more before the oil requires to be changed.
Valvoline European vehicle wins over Quaker State Euro motor oil in terms of its oil change frequency as Valvoline European vehicle performs better for longer.
Cost Comparison:
Even though full synthetic oils are made using more technology and additives, motor oils like Valvoline European vehicle and Quaker State Euro are reasonably priced.
Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil costs you about $11.16 which is cheap. This motor oil is well known and made using great formulation and luckily still costs so less.
Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oil is not even expensive either. It costs you about $18.97 which is quite good for a full synthetic oil using advanced technology and good additives in it.
However, when comparing the costs, Valvoline European vehicle full synthetic motor oil takes the lead over Quaker state Euro full synthetic motor oil.
Valvoline European vehicle and Quaker State Euro are both premium oils which are well reputed around the world. Both these motor oils are full synthetic which makes them have plenty of perks such as good cleaning properties, low wear, high protection of the engine and great viscosity improvers for the oils to work under extreme temperatures.
However, Valvoline European vehicle fulle synthetic motor oil has better mileage and is cheaper in price when compared to Quaker State Euro full synthetic motor oils.
Nevertheless, both the full synthetic oils have their benefits and are definitely worth a buy!